The Specifics of CEO Addiction Problems

CEO substance abuseEvery generation has donned a different face of substance abuse. The use of illicit drugs and alcohol has been a tool of identity construction through out the decades, and in the present time, the face of drug use is an unlikely one: CEOs and business professionals. This group of people is twice as likely as the rest of the population to develop a substance abuse problem; shocking, considering the amount of power and responsibility this demographic carries. There are two contributing factors to drug addiction amongst CEOs that are considered the most prevelant.

Firstly, the amount of stress that falls on CEOs can be astronomical, and often more than an average person would even consider tolerable. In a perfect world, everyone would have time for healthy relaxing activities such as hiking or yoga in order to manage stress, but the demands on a CEO’s time often do not permit them to engage in these activities. Many cases of substance abuse amongst CEOs begin with the individual trying to self-medicate in order to eradicate stress symptoms. This often leads to a dependency on the substance and the individual’s life begins to deteriorate around their addiction.

Secondly, modern scientific studies have indicated a connection between CEO personalities and substance addiction. It has been discovered that the type of human brain which is prone to power and risk taking is also prone to addiction for similar reasons. This type of neurological make-up seeks more stimulation than the average brain, and two common things it will seek out are high power positions and chemical highs. Clearly, this type of personality may channel this stimulation-seeking behavior into a healthy lifestyle or an unhealthy one, depending on a variety of factors.

Treatment for this kind of substance abuse problem comes in the form of medical care, which addresses the chemical problems, and mental health care which addresses the psychological problems. There are rehabilitation programs that are created to suit the needs of CEOs and business professionals which deal specifically with the root causes of addiction amongst this particular demographic. Contact a luxury rehabilitation program that specializes in CEO addiction to learn more.

Next: Substances Commonly Abused by CEOs

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