Substances Commonly Abused by CEOs

It is becoming a widely known fact that CEOs are more prone to addiction than the average working professional because of certain biological, environmental and psychological factors. Substance abuse is more likely to affect CEOs than other demographics, and certain substances are generally more preferred than others.

substance abuseThe most commonly abused substance by CEOs is alcohol, because of how accessible and socially acceptable it is. Alcohol is sold legally and affordably, and often a CEO can initially indulge in it under the guise of “social drinking.” They may even be joined by colleagues and their addiction will go under the radar. However, in time this habit can turn into dependency, and a toll will be taken on the CEO’s health, business performance and personal life.

A popular illicit drug amongst CEOs is cocaine, which has a reputation for being abused by people with money and power. Cocaine is a substance with natural energy and empowerment inducing qualities, so the power-seeking personality of CEOs tends to be drawn to it. This drug is highly addictive and can be lethal when overdosed, making it a common cause of destruction in the lives of CEOs.

And finally, pain killers, ranging from pharmaceuticals to opiates are in high demand amongst CEOs. It can start harmlessly with a scripted prescription from a doctor, but when substance abuse begins, the addict may try to obtain the drug unethically by going to multiple pharmacies or may turn to street versions such as opium or heroine. Like cocaine, heroine can be lethal in an overdose or have disastrous side effects.

The lesson is that CEOs have the money and the tendency to buy expensive, addictive substances that have the potential to ruin or end their lives. However, CEOs also have the means to afford the best rehabilitation treatment available. If you or someone you know is a CEO with a substance abuse problem, seek help from a luxury addiction treatment specialist right away.

Next: What a CEO Can Expect from Luxury Rehabilitation

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