Chief Executive Officers are usually referred to as CEOs, and they are the group of people who are likely to come up with substance addiction. This is based on the fact that they face a lot of stress coupled with tension as well. There are some habits which are typical of addicted CEOs, and there is a possibility that you must have noticed it but, you feel it is normal.

CEOs are top-earners, and you can expect that they have the financial capacity to buy high-grade drugs or alcohol which would help them deal with stress. From time to time, the lives of these CEOs are destroyed because of these substances, and this study has not stopped addicted CEOs from using addictive substances which can impair their health.

One common sign which you can use to spot an addicted CEO is, they would be drunk all through work shifts. You can easily detect this from their breath, their speaking or breathing pattern, alongside with the way they walk or even sit. Also, during lunch breaks, you would notice that they act absurdly, in a manner which is not expected of their status.

From time to time also, their health status would be on the decline, and there are some notable signs such as decrease in weight, reduction in size, they would also be looking worn out and quite unpresentable.

You would also notice that, they would find it hard to remember events and keep up with appointments, this can only be nipped in the bud when they have a personal assistant. However, there are still indications that they would forget to attend to some important matters.

Stress, anxiety and depression are also common side-effects which are associated with substance abuse, and this has the capacity to ruin the career of the addicted CEO.

It is advised that the CEO opts for executive addiction rehab, where he would be properly catered for. At the rehab centre, he would be given measures on how to avoid certain addiction triggers, and with time, he would get back on his feet.